Thursday, February 07, 2008

Cattails (2)

View of cattails on the border of a lake

Taken on the circular Water and Woods walk we did last weekend to test my new lens that I'll be using on my MZ-3 camera and thus far the results have been very positive.

The attentive reader will notice the similarity of the photo in this post and the post just below this one. They're taken in two different countries and weeks apart and on two different media. What makes the first photo work in colour for me is the incredible soft light we were having that sunny winter's day. In the photo above the light was much harsher and that makes it work better in black and white for me. I have to say that I prefer the first photo and I'm looking forward to your opinions.

Camera: Pentax MZ-3, lens: Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 EX DG MACRO